Kamis, 03 September 2009

S to the T to the E to the V to the E to the N

yes he is my boy friend
tomorrow we're anniversary 1 year 5 months
yeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaah i hope we can be forever
i glad to have you
i proud have you
i need you
i miss you
i like you
i love you

sometimes,we are have different opinion hahaha :D
almost everyday we're fight fight fight and fight
but that's all make me more love with you steven elsa dimas
so many beautiful things that we spent together and i wanna keep that for forever

you're the encouragement of my life
you're my star in my life
you can make me happy-sad,happy-sad,happy-sad
you can make me laugh-cry,laugh-cry,laugh-cry
you're the best best best more than everything

i really love you steven

, afirta

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